For the best oral surgery care in Santa Fe, New Mexico, trust Jeffery B. Wheaton DDS, MD. Dr. Wheaton strives to bring you the most recent and relevant information regarding your oral health concerns, and our staff will be happy to explain in detail any service, using terminology you will understand. We believe healthy teeth lead to a healthy outlook on life, and it is our job to make that happen.
Oral Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are dental specialists recognized by the American Dental Association, and are surgically trained in a hospital-based program. Jeffery B. Wheaton DDS, MD completed these rigorous training programs and holds medical and dental degrees. As a dual-degreed oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Wheaton is a specialists with skills and training well beyond the dental profession. Santa Fe Oral Surgeons is here to help people in Santa Fe and the surrounding area address their dental surgical needs.
Wisdom Teeth
Third molars are also referred to as “wisdom teeth”. They are the last to develop, usually between the middle teenage years and early 20’s, and are located in the back of your mouth, behind your second molars. Most people develop 32 teeth, but many times the jaws are too small to accommodate 4 wisdom teeth. If the wisdom teeth are unable to erupt into the proper position for chewing and cleaning we call them “impacted”. The problem with impacted wisdom teeth is they may not cause symptoms for years, even decades, but eventually they can lead to decay, bone loss, cyst formation, and damage to other teeth. Removal is much easier as a teenager or a young adult rather than later in life. Dr. Wheaton can accomplish this expertly and comfortably with nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation or even intravenous general anesthesia, depending on your individual needs. To find out which solution is right for you call our office at 505-992-1550 to schedule a consultation.
* Wisdom teeth extraction
Dental Implants
Congratulations on choosing dental implants! Dental implants are a very smart choice that will improve your life in many ways, including improving your confidence and image you have of yourself all at the same time. They correct a variety of problems such as gum disease, halitosis, teeth decay and infection, even loose dentures. One can replace a single tooth, several teeth, or all of your teeth with dental implants. Dental implants are currently the state of the art solution for tooth replacement. Unlike bridges, which sometimes cut down good teeth, implants are more natural and easier to clean. Listed below are the dental implant procedures offered by Santa Fe Oral Surgeons:
* Traditional titanium implants
Comfortable, safe, intravenous anesthesia, oral sedation and/or nitrous oxide may be available for certain procedures. Anesthesia alleviates anxiety and leads to better outcomes. Twilight sleep will make an hour long procedure seem like 5 minutes! Dr. Wheaton has a medical degree (MD) as well as dental degree and is highly trained to provide anesthesia safely and comfortably.
* Learn more
Bone Grafting
We now routinely place bone in the socket (or hole left in the jaw) when a tooth is removed. This optimizes the healing and is strongly recommended when a patient is considering a dental implant. Even if you’re not sure if you want an implant, bone grafting the extraction socket helps it heal quicker and more comfortably. Grafting the socket at the time of extraction may help prevent the need for other types of more expensive and more invasive reconstructive procedures later.
For more information on our procedures, please feel free to contact us at 505-992-1550